Speccy psu 12v at 1.5v
Speccy psu 12v at 1.5v

speccy psu 12v at 1.5v

inparallel with) these diodes, and that'sall there is to it. First, open the case of the+2, and locate diodes D28 to D35 (they arebeside the socket where the 8-track ribbonconnector for the keyboard plugs in).

speccy psu 12v at 1.5v

All that's needed are 8capacitors of about 200 pf rating, asoldering iron and a little experience ofelectronics. This is dueto a corrupted machine stack and can beavoided by including a RANDOMIZE USR 8command just before the POKE 23728,0.Ģ There is, however, a small hardwaremodification which can be carried out tocure the problem completely in allsituations. Another problem can be thatsometimes, even after POKEing 23728 backto zero, it can still crash on the nexterror for no apparent reason. For example, it mustnever be used in subroutines, otherwisethe GOSUB stack will be corrupted onerror, causing a crash at the subsequentRETURN. The full set of permutationsare:-Ģ There are also pitfalls to beware whenusing this facility.

speccy psu 12v at 1.5v

A goodone to use or this purpose is 82, a ROMlocationĢ This command can take 4 possible forms,although only 2 of them are mentioned inthe manual. Once codehas been saved in this way, it is possibleto defeat the auto-run on subsequentloading by specifying a third addresswhich will effectively do nothing. Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 13 (1994)(Alchemist Research).tap in / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - (TOSEC-v) /īack to the directory listing 4 DE=TRACK/SECTORĢ otherwiseSpectrum will go into 'perpetual reset',as it tries to call the code which is nolonger there!jĢ This feature can be particularly usefulfor screen-resident utilities. Alchemist News - Issue 13 (1994)(Alchemist Research).tap - top strings

Speccy psu 12v at 1.5v