
If you donât want to watch the video then you can simply read the article below and uninstall BlueStacks completely. To solve this problem I made a YouTube video but forgot to write an article on the same, so here is the video:įew Easy Steps to Uninstall Bluestacks completely We found that many of the BlueStacks users are facing this problem that they are not able to uninstall BlueStacks from their device completely.


But, if you are still getting the error then keep reading further, we have mentioned a few steps below that will surely remove BlueStacks from your computer. Please let us know if this solution helped you or not in the comment section below. Just follow the steps as mentioned on that page, remove temporary files from the temp directory and execute the cleanup process as mentioned in the article. It is a very straightforward process to remove these leftovers and also cleans your Windows PC so it is the win-win situation anyway.Ī very long time after we published this article, BlueStacks finally came up with some solution which helped many users to uninstall BlueStacks completely from the computer. So The real issue is that the user will have to clean these leftovers manually if BlueStacks forget to do so. These leftovers live in the userâs computer as few files in Program Files directory or registry keys. The user usually gets an error message: A BlueStacks Software is also installed on this device, First uninstall it to continue. This leads to the error message that users get when they try to reinstall BlueStacks in the future. The most common problem is that it allows the user to uninstall the program from the computer but it doesnât clean up after it gives confirmation to the user that the uninstallation process completed. However many times users face some minor problems while uninstalling Bluestacks. You wonât feel a difference between UIs but the advantage is that you would have a bigger screen than your mobile.

Installing and using Android apps is as simple as doing it on any Android smartphone. It is the best out of very few working bridges between Windows PCs and Android OS and it is pretty darn good at its job. What is BlueStacks anyway?īlueStacks is a very useful application for Windows users that allows users to run Android apps as they are actually running on an Android smartphone. Just keep reading and your problem will be resolved soon.

It doesnât matter for what reason you want to uninstall BlueStacks completely from your computer, either to reinstall it or get rid of the software at all. This article will show you how can you uninstall BlueStacks completely from your computer with very few quick steps.
